Renowned Edmonton comedy troupe Gordon’s Big Bald Head brings their acclaimed brand of spontaneous hilarity to the Mayfield with CLUSTERFLICK: The Improvised Movie! It’s a totally script-less, highwire act of improvisation and cinematic mayhem, inspired by audience suggestions! From classic horror and romantic comedies to superheroes and sweeping period epics, you never know what this insane night might bring. This is one show …
With Leon Phal Part of the Edmonton Jazz Festival
Part of the Edmonton Jazz Festival
This is a guy that could star in a sitcom.” Michael’s likability allows him to relate to his audiences in a real way which sets up the huge laughs he gets from his sharp, personal material. Consistently writing and performing, this summer Michael released both a new album— The Internet Live through 800 Pound Gorilla …
Join us at the enchanting Varscona Theatre June 29–30th as we go on a revealing, haunting journey through superstition, lore and tales with historical ghost stories, sure to thrill you and chill you to your bones. STARRING our incredible Fringe cast, including Nikki Hulowski, Scarlett Von Bomb, Sharpay Diem, Jezebel Sinclair, Violette Coquette, and LeTabby …
This is a guy that could star in a sitcom.” Michael’s likability allows him to relate to his audiences in a real way which sets up the huge laughs he gets from his sharp, personal material. Consistently writing and performing, this summer Michael released both a new album— The Internet Live through 800 Pound Gorilla …
Part of the Edmonton Jazz Festival