This uproarious musical comedy returns in its first revival. Set in the exotically distant world of Edmonton supper clubs of the 1960s, it’s a glamorous and exciting tribute to the …
This backstage musical follows the birth of the play Austentatious, as rehearsed and performed by the Central Rivercity Amateur Players (C.R.A.P), a colourful community theatre ensemble. Jane Austen goes comically wrong …
Featuring Bill Burr
Mo Mandel has been on fire on all fronts. Along with making recent appearances on CBS’s hit show, 2 Broke Girls, and Comedy Central's new sitcom, Corporate. Mo just released his first hour special on …
Renowned Edmonton comedy troupe Gordon’s Big Bald Head brings their acclaimed brand of spontaneous hilarity to the Mayfield with CLUSTERFLICK: The Improvised Movie! It’s a totally script-less, highwire act of improvisation and cinematic mayhem, inspired by …
Renowned Edmonton comedy troupe Gordon’s Big Bald Head brings their acclaimed brand of spontaneous hilarity to the Mayfield with CLUSTERFLICK: The Improvised Movie! It’s a totally script-less, highwire act of improvisation and cinematic mayhem, inspired by …
This uproarious musical comedy returns in its first revival. Set in the exotically distant world of Edmonton supper clubs of the 1960s, it’s a glamorous and exciting tribute to the …
A summer celebration with five days of top quality, truly authentic, action-packed entertainment! This event has everything that people are looking for in summer festivities – live entertainment, midway rides, …